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Le norme per recarsi in Sri Lanka con un cane, un gatto ed altri animali domestici
I documenti che servono per portare un cane o un gatto in Sri Lanka

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The procedure and the requirements for importation are as follows:
The applicant should forward the application form using Form I, to the Director General, Department of Animal Production and Health (Contact, Director/VRA 0094 81 2389342), a minimum of two (02) weeks prior to intended date of import.
Health Requirements
Health requirement for the importation of dogs and Cats into Sri Lanka are as follows:
2.1 Dogs
The importer should forward an International Veterinary Certificate issued by the Government Veterinary Authority in the exporting country of dogs attesting that;
Dog has been kept in the exporting country since birth or for the six (o6) months period immediately prior to export to Sri Lanka ;
Dog was found to be free of any infectious or any contagious diseases at the time of dispatch;
The animal was not in contact with any animals showing any clinical sign of any infectious or contagious disease including Aujeszky's disease, Filariasis, Leptospirosis, Rabies, Canine distemper, Infectious hepatitis, Canine parvo virus infection, and Dermatomycosis for a period of minimum three (03) months immediately prior to embarkation;
The exporting country of the animal is either free from rabies. If not, the origin of the animal is an area free from quarantine restrictions for rabies and not within a radius of 25 km from the nearest known case of rabies during the period of minimum six (06) months immediately prior to embarkation;
The exporting country of the animal is free from heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) infestation, Leishmaniasis. For heartworm infestation, a test have been carried out with negative test result if not country free status should declared by a government veterinarian. The dog is free from any blood parasite.
The animal was vaccinated against Rabies using an anti-rabies vaccine conforming to the potency standard given by the World Health Organization (WHO), not less than thirty (30) days and not more than six (06) months immediately prior to embarkation;
In case of puppies under the age of three (03) months, the dam of the animal had (30) days but not less than six (06) months prior to the birth of this animal;
The animal was vaccinated using recognized vaccines against Canine distemper, been vaccinated against rabies using an approved anti-rabies vaccine, at least thirty Infectious hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Canine parvo virus infection not less than twenty one (21) days and not more than four (04) months immediately prior to embarkation;
The animal was treated within seven (07) days prior to shipment with a broad- spectrum anthelminthic recognized for its ability to eliminate internal helminths of dog.
The animal was treated for external parasites within seven (07) days immediately prior to shipment using a reliable parasiticide.
2.2. Cats
The importer should forward an International Veterinary Certificate issued by the Government Veterinary Authority in the exporting country of cats attesting that;
The cat is clinically healthy, free from signs of any infectious and contagious diseases at the time of dispatch;
The cat was not in contact with any animal showing any clinical signs of any infectious or contagious disease including rabies, Aujeszky’s disease, Filariasis, Leptospirosis for a period of minimum three (3) months immediately prior to embarkation;
The cat has been vaccinated using recognized vaccines against feline panleucopaenia and rabies not less than 30 days and not more than 06 months immediately prior to embarkation;
The cat has been treated for intestinal parasites using a broad- spectrum anthelmintic and, treated for external parasites within seven (07) days immediately prior to shipment using a reliable parasiticide;.
The cat has been free from any blood parasite.
Issuing of Permits
Once the application is reviewed , DG /DAPH will issue the permit. The permit issued to applicant/importer is valid for 90 days from the date of issue.
Quarantine Inspection
Upon arrival of animals the importer should forward the originals of the International Veterinary Certificates fulfilling requirements stated in the section(2) of this document, to the Animal Quarantine Officer, Katunayake Airport;
Imported dogs/cats will be subjected to quarantine inspection at the Airport. If necessary samples will be taken for investigation;
Imported dogs/cats will be subjected to an post-export quarantine period of thirty days (30) in the "owners premises". For this purpose, the importer should sign the Quarantine Surveillance Agreement with the Animal Quarantine Officer, Katunayake, at the time of importation
The exact location (address and the Tel. No) of the premises where imported dogs /cats intended to be kept, should be stated by the importer in the quarantine surveillance agreement.
Other Information
The cats are not allowed to import from BSE ( Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy /mad cow disease) infected countries.
Last Updated: Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Per il rientro in Italia è necessario avere sul Passaporto la titolazione degli anticorpi antirabbia: Sri Lanka è uno dei Paesi non compresi nella lista C allegato II del provvedimento UE per la circolazione degli animali d'affezione (Paesi NON liberi da rabbia).
Tutte le info che vi servono, inclusi i nomi e gli indirizzi dei Laboratori accreditati per attestare la titolazione anticorpale in Italia, sono su Dogwelcome nella sezione dedicata: Ingresso / rientro in Italia.
Fate le procedure come indicato nella nostra sezione con antecedenza perché ci vuole tempo per ottenere l'esito del test.
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